“Be’Tipul” in Hebrew that Means “Emmy”

Three cheers and a hip-hip hooray for HBO’s In Treatment which picked up three Emmy Award nominations this past week. The series is based on the Israeli television sensation “Be’Tipul” starring Assi Dayan, which by coincidence is screening episodes Monday, July 28, 7:30 pm at the Washington DCJCC.

Your assignment is to answer the following questions:

1) Who does the more convincing “index finger on the forehead pose”– Gabriel Byrne or Assi Dayan?

2) Which actress is potentially more tempting for a therapist in a midlife crisis afraid of violating the ethical bounds of his profession–Melissa George or  (Tom Hanks sidekick) Ayelet Zurer?

3) Who would win in a dogfight: Blair Underwood or Lior Ashkenazi?

4) Which actress is not an English speaker: Alma Zack or Embeth Davidtz?

5) The original or the remake?